Sciati for Sciatica
Sciati for Sciatica
Sciati for Sciatica

Sciati for Sciatica

Regular price Rs. 299.00 Rs. 0.00

An ideal remedy for Sciatic pain. Restores normalcy in Rheumatic Patients.

Product Highlights:
The rejuvenating formulation of Sciati gives strength to both muscles and bone tissues. It provides relief from connective tissue and bone pain associated with rheumatism, sciatica, arthritis and lumbar support. It promotes the circulation of blood and strengthens muscles and bones.
• Helpful in the treatment of bruises and shocks to the spine. Effective in cramps and
sciatica pain.
• Effective in treatment of acute inflammatory swelling of joints, gouty inflammation,
fibrous depos.
• Provides relief from pain in back, feet, joints, ankles, wrists, cartilage and periosteum
• Useful in the treating stiffness, numbness, aching, soreness of muscles (on exposures to cold climatic conditions)
• Helps in providing relief from burning pain, radiating pain, spasmodic, violent,
contractive and intermitting pain.
• Provides relief in sore, lame, bruised feeling all over body
• It soothens Nervous activity, Relieves pains & Spasms of muscles.

• Spondylosis
• Disc prolapse
• Muscle Cramps
• Non-specific low back ache

ACTION: The Key ingredients such as
• Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha) acts as a pain reliever by preventing pain signals
from traveling along the central nervous system. It also has anti-inflammatory
properties and hence, reduces inflammation in joints.
• Abutilon Indicum (Athibala) increases strength and vitality. It promotes quick healing of wounds and decreases swelling .
• Sida Veronicaefolia (Nagabala) helps in wound healing, blood coagulant and analgesic action.

DOSAGE: 2-0-2, Two tablets twice a day after meals or as directed by physician.

PRESENTATION: Bottle of 60 tablets


             Product  Composition
Raasna 90 mg
Ashwagandha 90 mg
Athibala  85mg
Nagabala  85mg

Triphala extract

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Customer Reviews

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I have used this product . After consuming so.many allopathy . It gave me immediate result . Chronic SCIATICA , Got relieved from pain . If you follow diet restrictions this medicine is more effective . Even for normal diet , this medicine works the best with zero side effects .

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