Liver 44 for Liver Disorders
Liver 44 for Liver Disorders
Liver 44 for Liver Disorders

Liver 44 for Liver Disorders

Regular price Rs. 289.00 Rs. 0.00

For all liver disorders, cures hepatitis and protects the liver.
Your liver is responsible for a variety of functions, the most important of which is breaking down toxins which can cause inflammation and cell damage in the body. Liver-44, a unique proprietary blend of herbs is unlike any other supplement, covering a vast range of liver supporting nutrients that we cannot find in any other products.

Product Highlights:
• Supports liver health with numerous antioxidant ingredients and milk thistle designed to help bolster the natural health of your liver.
• As part of liver health, helping to reduce the level of fatty cells in the liver allows for
better detoxification.
• Promotes healthy levels of liver enzymes
• Helps to support metabolic health and can lead to improved energy levels
• Improves Liver and Biliary System.
• Promotes regeneration of hepatic cells and Prevents Cirrhosis.
• Stimulates regeneration of Liver and Spleen cells.
• Removes ill effects of hepato-toxic drugs.
• Promotes rapid metabolism of Glycogen.
• Promotes gall bladder Functioning.

• Liver tonic
• Fatty liver
• Liver Cirrhosis
• Anorexia

ACTION: The key ingredients such as Andersonia Rohitaka (Rohitaka), Piper Longum (Pippali) and Picrorhiza Kurroa (Katuka Rohini) uses anti-viral, anti-bacterial, antifungal properties and is used not only for removing bacteria and germs from the body but also used for recurring fever conditions. It also helps in reducing general debility, weakness, fatigue and improves the vitality of the body. Modi increases the activity of Liver by improving the detoxification.
Liver-44 cures hepatitis by stimulating the liver cells by improving the bile flow and removes the associated weakness. This improves sluggishness of the liver and removes hepatic disfunctions. Liver -44 promotes regeneration of hepatic cells and prevents cirrhosis.
Liver-44 also improves appetite by toning up the hepatic cells and system overall and removes the accumulated bile from the blood, hence acts as a complete liver activator.

DOSAGE: 2-0-2, Two tablets twice a day after meals or as directed by physician.

PRESENTATION: Bottle of 60 tablets


             Product  Composition
Rohitaka 85mg
Katuka Rohini 55mg
Modi 45 mg
Gokshura 45 mg
Bhrungaraj 40mg
Saraphunkha  40mg
Triphala  25mg
Pippali 15mg



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Ragini Dande

Effective 👍😊

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